Wednesday, 1 May 2013

My first football game experience - Aston Villa vs. Sunderland (6-1)

On the 29th April 2013 I experienced going to my first football game!

Ever since I moved to Birmingham last year, me and my friends have said that we HAVE to go and watch Villa play as we walk or drive past the stadium every day. 

I'm not a huge football fan... I'll watch it if it's on and join in with whatever team the majority are supporting, but I have no clue about Premier Leagues and other leagues and who is in what. Plus, I think everyone should go to a football game at least once in their life, even if their not a fan, because the experience so good!

Waiting for the game to start
We were seated in the Upper Holte end, therefore we had a good overall view of the pitch. We sat down about 40 minutes before the game started so we were able to have a look around, take some photos, learn the rules... (!) and start to get excited! Both teams were warming up so that was also fun to watch. 

The game started at 20:00, and the stadium went wild as Aston Villa ran out of the tunnel and took their places on the pitch. I was already over excited and started to pick up the chants and songs that the Villa supporters were singing... often laughing my head off at what they were saying before joining in....

Not long in to the game, Villa scored! Now... I expected everyone to cheer loudly, a few hands in the air, maybe a high five to a friend. But no. Every Villa supporter was on their feet, jumping in the air, screaming, shouting, cheering, hugging anybody around them. So obviously we joined in...

After the excitement died down, the Villa suporters were hyped up at the fact we were ahead so early in the game, and it became clear that we were in the rowdy end of the stadium. Sunderland was next to score making it 1-1, and everyone in the stadium booed them... which I felt a bit mean for at first but then I remembered how much they get paid for kicking a ball around so joined in ;)

Aston Villa stadium
Before half time, Villa scored twice more bringing the score to 3-1! Every time they scored, the whole stadium (minus the Sunderland supporters) erupted with cheers and jumped up and down!

The second half began and so did the songs. Vile names were sung at the Sunderland manager, fingers pointed, and other random chants, that we slowly began to (unfortunately) pick up. However, we all found it hilarious and it got us even more excitable for when Villa scored again twice!

With the score at 5-1 to Aston Villa, our rowdy lot were chanting "we want six" and after about 10 minutes, we got six! 6-1 to Villa and everybody was screaming, shouting, cheering, jumping, and we even had a group hug with the guys in front who looked like they were almost in tears of joy!

My first experience at a football match was definitely one I'll never forget. The actual game was great, and there were loads of goals which made it a lot more interesting, especially as "our team" won. Looking back, the whole thing was so funny. I always comment on how 'in to the game' guys get when they watch football, but actually, I'll have to admit that being there amongst that many people who have so much passion for the team really makes you get involved and join in with the enthusiasm

Let me know if you were at the game if you've been to any similar!

Gemma x

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