Thursday, 11 October 2012

"Why do we behave so oddly in lifts?"

For my first post, I thought I would share with you a funny article I read the other day. I found the article on the BBC News website under the Magazine section, and it was titled "Why do we behave so oddly in lifts?"

I thought the article, by William Kremer, was really well written. It had good humour in it, but was also very factual and something people could relate to, therefore an easy and entertaining read.

Lift Etiquette:
Almost everyone has been in a lift at some point in their life, maybe even a few times a week. Therefore, I think it is correct in saying that everyone has experienced that immediate discomfort as you walk in to a lift and there are strangers in there. As the lift stops at my floor and the doors open revealing a few bewildered faces looking back at me, I slowly get in and I always manage to give them the friendly 'hello' smile, which they thankfully usually return.The same things happens if I am in a lift and someone walks in. But then it is the awkward standing still while you travel to your destination, where most people look at the walls, or the floor, or even up at the ceiling. I find that if there is a pushchair in the lift, I accidentally always seem to just stare at the child occupying it...

If you haven't already, have a read of Kremer's article and you too will probably find yourself realising all the things you do in a lift without thinking.

Gemma x

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